Over memorial weekend we went to Geogria to visit our friends the Mounts who live 40 minutes out of Atlanta. We had such a good time, Jono is always funnier when Cameron is around. We played alot of games, thanks to Cameron for being willing, played some Dr Mario, went to a Braves game, went to a little water park, ate some crazy food but mostly laughed at stuff that I don't know if anyone else would think was funny. We had such a good time and the kids got along great. Bonus, she just had a 6 week old baby girl who is beautiful who I loved holding and for the first time thought I could do this again. Normally, I think "oh he or she is cute but I'm glad it's not me." PS Britney is getting the shaft because I look weird in the picture of us, sorry Brit.

i told you, highlight of my night. i really wish you could have done a little more investigation for me in atlanta, you could have made a citizens arrest.
i feel left in the dark... what citizen's arrest are you talking about? anyways, looks like you had a great weekend! get all that traveling in before kia turns 2!!
That IS a great picture. I also must have missed that conversation about the citizen's arrest. But now I am very curious!
Apparently inquiring minds want to know about the citizens arrest. Correct me if I am wrong Laura but someone in Atlanta tried to withdraw money from Laura's account. I kept my eye out for her but I was unable to locate the perpetrator. Believe me, if I would have found her I would have taken care of business.
I thought I looked bad in that pic Anneli so were even stevens, I'll take it off my site too :). How pathetic that we only had 4 good pics of the entire weekend anyway? Lame!
Cameron refuses to play any games with me now that you guys have left. I don't know what it is about you Nielsons, but he comes alive at board games when you are around... and he never complains (only quits when he's down 10 pts from everyone else). Jono apparently quits now when Anneli is up 2 games to none. MOSTED!
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