She loved the piano and when she played it almost sounded like music as opposed to angry banging. My brother Scott took these two pictures, too cute.
When I get home our DVR if filled up with crap and one of the shows is "the bachelorette" sorry to those of you that love this show but it is a little bit on the lame side for me. Jono tells me " I can't believe that I haven't been watching this show." He says he wants to watch it with me but he needs my undivded attention so that he can give me the details on the people. I tried to give the show a chance, I figured that if Jono was that excited about it that maybe this was another TV gem that I have been missing out on. No, it's lame, sorry to anyone who loves it. I got up once to get the phone and then to do the dishes and he started getting a little bit bugged with me, tells me, "oh another interuption." The whole time we are watching he is making comments like "man one of these guys is really going to get his heart broken", "that's not her style she is a traditional southern girl". He recounted over and over that he can't believe that he didn't watch all seaon. Jono likes cheesy stuff sometimes, but this is ridiculous. I am chalking it up to the fact that we are in the summer time and TV has dried up and that he hasn't quite recovered from the strike this season. Hopefully this fall and or January (when shows are starting to come back) he will be back to his "normal" crap shows but at least with some standards.
12 hours on the road with all those kids and I loved you guys even more at the end! I think Jono may have had a little too much bro-time while you were gone. Of course, always kidding. I think Dave appreciated our absence more than anyone!
Anneli, quit being so insensitive. DeAnna has had such a tough time since that jerk Brad Womack chose nobody. By the way, this may come as a surprise, but Erin loves that show as well. Just another thing that Erin and Jono have in common. They should get together and watch DeAnna while sharing all of the gross snacks they love.
The comment above was made by Dane, sorry for the confussion.
I''m SO right there with you!! I hate The Bachelorette or Bachelor, Yuck! It is total crap T.V. Even "The Hills" is more entertaining. Sad I even allow that into my home. X and I can thank Matt and Laura for that one. I have to say I'm proud Jono isn't in the closet about it. Guess he has you to thank for that. lol
I am shocked and saddened that people are calling the Bachelorette crap. Where are the romantics these days. Deanna is a genuine woman who is very sincere in her pursuit of starting a family. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get in touch with their feelings.
My mother in law watches The Bachlorette and such and will not let it go, so I foolishly gave it a chance and man do I want that hour of my life back! What IS fun to watch is "The Soup" which makes fun of all of those shows. HILARIOUS!! It's on E! if you haven't seen it.
whoa whoa whoa. there is a little too much bachelorette hating going on in this forum. i most definitely have to side with jono on this one. these people go into the show not expecting anything and actually fall in love. this is the real deal. it does not get more real than this. how can you not see that?
I am sorry to admit this, but the Bachorlette is awesome in a girly and cheesy kind of way. I do look forward to Monday evenings after I play a physical and hard game of basketball, to come home and sit with my sweetheart witness true love and relationships in the making.
Can't believe the finale is already upon us. Jono, did you see the "Bachelorette tells all?" Amazing television huh?
i feel so left out! i have never watched it, but i have to admit that i did like deanna the couple times i saw her on the bachelor. all i have seen of the bachelorette is what joel mchale says about it on the soup. it has peaked my interest, but not quite enough to atually watch. my loss? that's obviously a hot topic with two very opinionated sides.
Dude Anneli, you are missing out! Jono has finally started watching good TV, I am so proud! I usually don't end up liking those kinds of shows, but I have to tell you that this season is by far my favorite one ever. I stayed up till 2 watching it the other night and crying when Jeremy got kicked off...I loved all 3 guys left. And dude, if you have a kid (which you do) how can you say that that moment where Jason reunites with his kid is crap TV? That made the whole hour worth it in my mind...even Cameron was a bit teary eyed. (I kind of roped him into the show one night and of course just like jono I was pausing and explaining everyone and everything. The only difference in this situation is that we see now who really has a heart. Buuuuuurrrnn!)
Wow I can’t believe the controversy this has created. First let me say that I do not have high standards as far as television is concerned, I love The Hills. Second I am sticking by my opinion of the Bachelor. The interaction is always so awkward, it’s uncomfortable. I am not buying that they are “in love” when they can’t have a two minute conversation without awkward silences. It’s one thing if it’s The Office and they are trying to make moments awkward but when you aren’t doing it on purpose it’s painful to watch. As for The Soup, to say that I watch The Soup is an understatement. I am obsessed with The Soup and in love with Joel McHale. I have even looked up where he lives. (2 bed in Glendale with his wife and kid) Rarely miss an episode unless there is a DVR mishap on Jono’s part, otherwise I tune in for chat stew weekly……so meaty.
I have to admit that while I have taken a few seasons off this season was worth watching except that I think she picked the wrong guy, but whatever with that. By the way Anneli it was good to see you and Kady when you came to Utah for a week! Lets do it again some time!
What a finale, me and bug stayed up until 2:30 watching it and we were both on the edge of our seats. I think she made the right decision, ultimately she was too scared of becoming an instant mama. I can't wait for the May 9 wedding which will likely air on ABC.
the finale was great. imagine my panic when at 9:15 my recording stopped because Matt was also taping crappy "Nashville Star" (yeah, you really want to talk about crap tv, talk to Matt) and my babysitter must have changed the channel. Thank goodness ABC has all the episodes online!!!!!!!
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