Kalia's cousin Logan and Aunt Erin came to visit her last week. It was so fun. We went to the LA Zoo, which was okay by the way. I don’t really like the way the zoo is set up. We had a hard time finding all the animals and when we did find them they were asleep and when they were not asleep the strollers were too short to see anything, and it was hot, but other than that it was awesome! Actually, there was a giraffe that we got really close to and got a good picture of. There was also a petting zoo that they liked. We also went to the beach and did some shopping. It felt a little short and felt like there was so much more we wanted to do, maybe next time.......
yay for a new post! So i keep thinking about going to the zoo, but then think that Chase is probably just as happy walking down the street looking at cars for now. and that is a lot cheaper.
Yeah, so, I don't know who this young man is sidling up on your daughter, but I am pretty sure he has no chance of being 6 feet 10 inches tall, and I seriously doubt that his stats line will be nearly as impressive as Dylan's will be in 20 years. Just encourage Kalia to use a bit more discretion in the future, that's all I ask. Now I need to go dry Dylan's bitter bitter tears.
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