She loved the piano and when she played it almost sounded like music as opposed to angry banging. My brother Scott took these two pictures, too cute.
When I get home our DVR if filled up with crap and one of the shows is "the bachelorette" sorry to those of you that love this show but it is a little bit on the lame side for me. Jono tells me " I can't believe that I haven't been watching this show." He says he wants to watch it with me but he needs my undivded attention so that he can give me the details on the people. I tried to give the show a chance, I figured that if Jono was that excited about it that maybe this was another TV gem that I have been missing out on. No, it's lame, sorry to anyone who loves it. I got up once to get the phone and then to do the dishes and he started getting a little bit bugged with me, tells me, "oh another interuption." The whole time we are watching he is making comments like "man one of these guys is really going to get his heart broken", "that's not her style she is a traditional southern girl". He recounted over and over that he can't believe that he didn't watch all seaon. Jono likes cheesy stuff sometimes, but this is ridiculous. I am chalking it up to the fact that we are in the summer time and TV has dried up and that he hasn't quite recovered from the strike this season. Hopefully this fall and or January (when shows are starting to come back) he will be back to his "normal" crap shows but at least with some standards.