So I decided that it would be fun to run 13.2 miles so I signed up for a half marathon. I know that sounds crazy especially from someone who doesn't like to run but it actually went pretty well. The race was on Saturday and was kind of a beast. It was mostly trail, mostly hills and some of it was just straight up hiking but it was good. I didn't break any records but I finished and "ran" for most of it. I say ran but most people would probably put my pace a little bit higher than a slight jog, but I felt like I was running. I felt pretty good until about the 11th mile and it starting hurting a little bit but I pushed through. It felt really good, I was really happy I did it. Also I ran it "with" Rachel. I say "with" because Rachel and I ran together for about a mile of it. She smoked me, I think she did it in 2 hours and 15 minutes and I did it in 2 hours and 40 minutes. I'm okay with that, I just wanted to finish it and not pass out like ezzy from the Gauntlet (hopefully most of you have no idea what I am talking about). I was sore and I still am a little, but for the most part I am back to normal. I had a good time and I would do it again.
You are SO awesome! I have to say I'm a bit jealous of all the excitement. Next time count me in! Congrats!
you did so great! an especially good job on not needing to be dragged across the finish line. so after it all, do you plan to do another one? do you see a full marathon in your future?
I am so proud of you! What an accomplishment. Way to go!
Wow, I didn't know you ran what a great accomplishment, you are amazing. It looks like the race made Kalia Bug really thirsty. Keep up the good work. Love Cheetah
that is a big accomplishment. and 2 hours 40 minutes is really really good. I probably would have collapsed after 4 miles, especially w/ all the hiking.
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