On Friday at 11:10 am I became a Mom, again. Elliana Kristina Nielsen was 7.1 pounds and 19.5 inches long. The delivery went very smoothly and I was very grateful. My parents and Syd came out to help and we sure needed it. She had her days and nights mixed up and liked to be up all night. She is doing better now and things are good. Kalia had so much fun with her uncle Syd and played with him the whole time and barely noticed the new baby. Elliana looks exactly like Kalia did when she was born. I think most people know which is which if they have seen these pictures before but I seriously can't tell the difference.
Here are the hospital pics...........

Sisters and first family pic.......
Kalia and Syd.........

Also, I got to give a BIG thanks to Gay who took Kalia the night before and had her the entire next day. She also bought me lunch after Kalia left for Utah, which was very traumatic. Thanks to everyone for all of the help I have received, it's much appreciated.